Posts tagged with "nutrition"

Radiant Reality Nutrition Blog | 5 Ways to Upgrade your Immune System as we Move into Fall

Mind Body · 02/22/2020
Have you endured a deep level of emotional or physical stress for a long period of time? Has it affected your mental or physical health? Have those stressors left you feeling depleted and exhausted? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, I wrote this blog for you. Actually, I wrote it for me also, as a reminder that we all fall off the self-care wagon from time to time.

GI Health · 12/01/2019
Biohacking your gut health using the "Four Rs" of Gut healing include removing infection, toxins and inflammatory foods. Next you restore whats missing. You then reinoculate with beneficial probiotics and repair the gut lining.

Nutrition · 11/11/2019
Every year, people go to their health care provider to get their annual checkup and along with that checkup comes a CBC/CMP/blood workup. These are the panels that your health care provider uses to screen for health issues and its what I see the most frequently when meeting with new clients. It’s quite common for people in my office to note that they don’t "feel like themselves" and yet they had their annual blood workup done and their doctor said everything appears within the “normal” range.

Hormones · 09/12/2019
As a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, my clients usually find me after they have exhausted the traditional route of symptom relief care with their traditional providers. Often people feel like something is wrong but labs come back “normal” or if their labs are out of range they are routinely given a prescription to manage symptoms without addressing the root cause or reason for the symptom.

Detoxification · 08/19/2019
To preface this blog on Mold and MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) I would like to just pitch a shout out to all the canaries in the coal mines, you know who you are. You are the ones who get sick when exposed to things that “everyone else can handle”. You may be sensitive to chemicals, have skin reactions to beauty products, are allergic to many foods... you get the picture. I’m citing the canaries because some of the greatest healers I have met are often the most sensitive people.

Nutrition · 07/01/2019
The joys of summer are finally here! This is the time to pay attention to your magnesium levels as we spend time in the sun playing and sweating. I like to rev up my magnesium during the summer months as the loss of electrolytes can disrupt magnesium stores and can cause adrenal fatigue if left unchecked.

Radiant Reality Nutrition Blog | Magnesium - Chocolate Avocado Mousse
Recipes · 07/01/2019
This magnesium rich treat is loaded with antioxidants and healthy fats. A perfect treat for summertime!

Brain Health · 05/01/2019
Everything you have ever experienced, felt, or conducted in life is due to brain function. "The ability to enjoy, perceive, sense and experience live is dictated by the firing rate and health of your brain. It is impossible for a person to become healthy mentally or physiologically without a healthy brain." – Datis Kharrazian, DC, MS

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