Posts tagged with "biohacking-tools"

Radiant Reality Nutrition Blog | 5 Ways to Upgrade your Immune System as we Move into Fall

GI Health · 12/01/2019
Biohacking your gut health using the "Four Rs" of Gut healing include removing infection, toxins and inflammatory foods. Next you restore whats missing. You then reinoculate with beneficial probiotics and repair the gut lining.

Nutrition · 11/11/2019
Every year, people go to their health care provider to get their annual checkup and along with that checkup comes a CBC/CMP/blood workup. These are the panels that your health care provider uses to screen for health issues and its what I see the most frequently when meeting with new clients. It’s quite common for people in my office to note that they don’t "feel like themselves" and yet they had their annual blood workup done and their doctor said everything appears within the “normal” range.

Hormones · 09/12/2019
As a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, my clients usually find me after they have exhausted the traditional route of symptom relief care with their traditional providers. Often people feel like something is wrong but labs come back “normal” or if their labs are out of range they are routinely given a prescription to manage symptoms without addressing the root cause or reason for the symptom.

Detoxification · 08/19/2019
To preface this blog on Mold and MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) I would like to just pitch a shout out to all the canaries in the coal mines, you know who you are. You are the ones who get sick when exposed to things that “everyone else can handle”. You may be sensitive to chemicals, have skin reactions to beauty products, are allergic to many foods... you get the picture. I’m citing the canaries because some of the greatest healers I have met are often the most sensitive people.

Biohacking Tools · 04/18/2019
I live in Northern California in a coastal town surrounded by vineyards and pot farms. Most people who live in the “Emerald Triangle” have been steeped in the medicinal properties of cannabis for decades now, but truth be told, the medicinal use of cannabis predates recorded history.

Hormones · 02/14/2019
Do you constantly feel like you are juggling too many things at once? Does your sleep and energy feel off? Is weight gain an issue regardless of exercise? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are most likely dealing with imbalanced cortisol levels.

Brain Health · 08/27/2018
Most people interested in growing old gracefully agree that supporting brain health and preventing cognitive decline is a priority if they want to live a long and healthy life. In this day and age, neurodegenerative disease at an all time high, making it a necessity to put in place as much cognitive support as you can, as early as possible, to offset the chances of developing neurodegenerative disease.

GI Health · 05/10/2018
Did you know that you have a wandering nerve in your body that is the boss of your nervous system? Did you know that inflammation, and the ability to bond, and go to the bathroom is directly influenced by this nerve function? In functional medicine, research now shows that this nerve may be a missing link to treating chronic inflammation, and new medical technologies are creating a field of treatment using vagal nerve stimulation that leaves the use of medication in the dust.

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